
Benefits and Advantages of Breastfeeding

All benefits and advantages of breastfeeding really could not be denied any longer. Corresponding human nature that children should drink milk from his mother. Breastmilk is the best food for babies. All the content is very good. Nothing can replace the function of breastmilk. Breastmilk provides all the necessary baby in the early days of his life. Breastfeeding also has benefits for the mother. All the benefits and advantages of breastfeeding like no other are : 

Advantages for Baby
  1. Complete nutrition for infant. Breast milk contains protein, minerals, water, fat, lactose, milk, etc.Every day, the contents is changing in accordance with the needs and growth of the baby.
  2. Providing all the nutrients and energy needs during the first month, half or more nutrients during the next 6 months in the first year, and 1 / 3 or more nutrients during the second year.
  3. Breastfeeding also provides protection and more rapid healing of the infection. Immunoglobulin A present in large quantities in colostrum, thus giving the infant passive immunity against infection. There bifidus factors in breast milk that causes the growth of Lactobacillus bifidus bacteria that can degrade a collection of pathogenic (cause disease in humans) cause diarrhea.
  4. Based on research , breastfeeding can reduce the number of lower respiratory tract infections, otitis media (middle ear infection), bacterial meningitis (meningitis), urinary tract infections, diarrhea, and necrotizing enterocolitis.
  5. Breastfeeding will not cause allergies because every living creature feeding (mammals) would drink milk from its mother directly. Protein which is found in breast milk is a protein that is specific to humans, so, the longer introduction of a foreign protein or other proteins contained in milk formula, can reduce and slow the occurrence of allergies.

Benefits for Mom
  1. The hormone oxytocin is released during breastfeeding that causes an increase in uterine contractions, preventing the involution of the uterus, and reduce the incidence of bleeding after giving birth.
  2. Women who are breastfeeding, reduce the incidence of ovarian cancer and breast cancer after menopause in accordance with the length of time she was breastfeeding.
  3. Women who are breastfeeding may also reduce the incidence of osteoporosis and hip fractures after menopause, as well as lower incidence of obesity because of pregnancy.
  4. Breastfeeding can create body contact and bonding between mother and baby
  5. Can reduce costs .  
Thus the benefits and advantages of breastfeeding which is of course impossible to ignore. So Cheer for expectant mothers and lactating mothers. Give the best for our sons and daughters and mothers get benefits for themselves and family

1 comment:

  1. Essential post for every mothers. After reading this lesson, they can know about Benefits and Advantages of Breastfeeding. Keep it up....!!
