
Breastfeeding while working

A mother often has a different role in life. Married, childbirth, breastfeeding and even working for a living. Responsibility must often faced with difficult choices for the scale of priorities. Breastfeeding mothers are often faced with a difficult choice between continued breastfeeding or return to work. Breastfeeding while working is the solution.

Preparation Breastfeeding While Working

Congratulations to  mother who had given birth and are breastfeeding their children. There are times when Mother breastfeeding her baby had to leave because they have to go back to work. Mothers who work part time or working alone at home would be more easily set the time to feed her baby. But what if  mother had to work in an office away from home who have working hours from morning to evening. Mother must preparing breast milk for her baby by store after breast pumping.