
Preparation Breastfeeding While Working

Congratulations to  mother who had given birth and are breastfeeding their children. There are times when Mother breastfeeding her baby had to leave because they have to go back to work. Mothers who work part time or working alone at home would be more easily set the time to feed her baby. But what if  mother had to work in an office away from home who have working hours from morning to evening. Mother must preparing breast milk for her baby by store after breast pumping.
So the baby still continues to get the best nutrition through breastfeeding. Therefore, besides need for support from husbands and families, it is important for planning and preparation. There are things that need to be considered as a preparation for breastfeeding while working:
1.Mental Preparation
Mothers who wants to work and leave her baby would get dilemma, worry and even guilt on her baby. Strengthen your heart and be assured at every step you take. Find out all the consequences that arise and anticipate well all possibilities that could happen.Good preparation will bring good results too.Remember  that mental preparation for the preparation of breastfeeding while working is the most important 
2. Nanny 
Look for someone who could really be trusted. Familiarize your child with a babysitter at least 1-2 weeks before you leave for  work. Tell all your habits and your need of the baby to take breast milk. Explain her to take breastmilk from  refrigerator according to the date of first entry, how warm the bin and how to give breast milk to your baby. 
3. Expressing breast milk equipment 
Expressing breast milk there are two ways, by direct hand or with tools that help breast pump. The pump you choose can be a manual pump or electric pump. It also must prepare the bottles for contain breast milk after pump . U can use glass bottles or  plastic bottles. And do not forget to prepare a brush and soap to clean the pump equipment. 
4. Practicing breast milking 
Before you do routine breast pumping in the office, u have to practice at home. With practice you can get used to operate the breast pump equipment. Also give time to pratice your baby  breast-feeding through a bottle or spoon. With practice you can also know approximately how long you have to breastpump until finish / complete. 
5. Ask permission from your boss and coworkers 
You must request permission to superiors for daily breastpumping in the office. So They  can understand the time you requested. In addition there is also a good idea to tell your co-workers. In order for you to express breast milk leave some work could be taken over temporarily by your colleagues. What also needs to remember is always asked permission when you leave the room to express breast milk. 
6. Look for private room 
Expressing breast milk is a private thing for a mother. For that there needs to be a special room to express breast milk. If you have a room alone it would be easier. Lock the door and do the routine breastpumping. Do not do in the bathroom because of discomfort and not clean. Look for a private room which can be locked from the inside. 
7. Clothing supporters 
In order to make it easier to prepare clothing supporting breastfeeding. There are nursing bras, nursing clothes and BreastPad.

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