As we know that Early Initiation of Breastfeeding is placed directly in the newborn baby mother's chest and let it crawl to find the mother's nipple to suckle. Early Initiation of Breastfeeding should be done immediately at birth, with no activity may be delayed by weighing or measuring a baby. Infants also should not be cleaned, dried only exception hands. This process must take place skin to skin between baby and mother.
Benefits of Early Initiation of Breastfeeding are:- Babies stay warm by being in the skin-to-skin contact with mother. Mother's chest with a proper warm the baby. Maternal skin temperature will adjust to the needs of infants. Lowering the risk of death from hypothermia (cold)
- Mother and baby feel more calm, so that helps breathing and the baby's heartbeat is more stable. Thus, the baby will be less fussy, thereby reducing energy consumption.
- Baby's risk of infection is reduced because safe germs (bacteria) from the mother began to colonize the skin and intestines, and prevent harmful germs.
- Providing early stimulation instinctive and provide warmth, love, security and food. It also began the process of bonding between baby and mother.
- The smell of the breast is a powerful stimulus to encourage the baby to the nipple. Sense is well developed. The smell of a substance released by nipple similar to the smell of the substance in the amniotic fluid that surrounds the baby in the womb.
- Infants get the first milk colostrum. Precious liquid that is rich in antibodies (antibodies) and other important substances that are important for intestinal growth. Intestinal baby at birth is still very young, not ready to process food intake.
- Breastfed infants (early food) which does not interfere with growth, bowel function, and allergies. Food other than breast milk contains proteins that are not human proteins (example : Milk from Cow ), which can not be digested well by the baby's intestines and cause allergy-prone.
- Breastfed babies will be more successful early exclusive breastfeeding and maintain breastfeeding after 6 months.
- The touch and the baby sucks the mother's nipples to stimulate the release of oxytocin is important because it causes the uterus to contract help out a mother's placenta and reduce bleeding. Stimulate other hormones that make the mother to be calm, relax, and love the baby, more able to resist pain (due to hormones increase pain threshold), and arises a sense of joy / happiness. Stimulates drainage from the breast milk, so milk mature (white) can more quickly get out.
One thing is sure, breastfeeding is hard. And just like parenting, it has a lot of components to piece together. Sure, some may argue that bottle feeding can replace it, but is that really the case? Because that can come with its own headache too, what bottle to choose, cleaning them, keeping them germ-free, and so on. For all mothers out there holding on to breastfeeding, kudos to you. You're doing just the right thing!